Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Grandfather

Three weeks ago my grandfather just made his 90th birthday. After that he went down hill.

Well this week has been a really rough week for me. My grandfather was ill last week and I am just glad I had the chance to say my last good-bye to him last Thursday.

I went to work this week on Wed. (september 23rd) and I was there only an hour till I got the call from both my mother and sister that my grandfather had passed away that morning at 8am. So, I had to pack up and leave work and pick my sister up. Once I picked my sister up we headed to my house to pick up my husband as we all were going to my uncles house. Once we got there we learned of the plans and got to comfort my grandmother.

Friday (september 24th) came and it was the day of his wake. Boy that was hard and to see my family break down in front of where he laid.

Saturday (september 26th) was the day of his funeral. I knew this would be the hardest day yet. We went to the funeral home to say a prayer before leaving for the church. When we got to the church this is when it really hit me and everyone else. It was a beautiful services. After the church we went to the grave site since my grandfather was in the navy they had the navy there to represent my grandfather. WOW that was really hard and I cried.

May my grandfather rest in peace and we loved him all so much.

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