Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Finals Week For School

Well this is it...this is my last week for this term for school. I really hope I do well on my finals this week. After this term, I have 5 terms left before I finish my BA degree in Criminal Justice...that is one year left to get done...WOOHOO!

Those of you who don't know me well, I am obtaining my degree in Criminal Justice to get into the Probation career field. Yes, I know...HUH you actually want to do that? Why? Well because I love helping people as I do now in my current career field. This is my calling and I believe I was meant to help others whether it be for college or helping those who have made a mistake and helping them with probation instead of prison time. This is something that I have always wanted to get which was a degree in Criminal Justice.

Wish me luck this week on my finals!!!

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