Friday, November 20, 2009

Finally Today's Friday!!

Happy Friday everyone!!

So what do you all have planned this weekend? Well I am taking my stepdaughter tonight to go see Twilight "New Moon" and I am very excited! I love Twilight the first one and I am looking forward to seeing the second movie. I got my stepdaughter hooked on the first Twilight and ever since then she wanted to have a date with me to go see New Moon LOL! Saturday night I am going to see another movie (yup I am having a movie weekend) and I am seeing the Fourth Kind with my father....we are both really into this type of stuff so this shall be interesting since it is based on actual documented cases!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Finally Almost Normal Again

Well I am finally back to work this week after having a LONG week of being sick last week. I went to the Ironman Bodybuilding Competition last Saturday to see a friend compete. Well a friend of ours was sick who was also attending the event to watch. Here I am thinking she has a cold so no big deal and that she has been sick for a few days so she shouldn't be contagious anymore. LOL well I was wrong. That Monday evening I started feeling a sore throat coming on and I was like okay I am getting sick but just a cold....No no it was no cold LOL....I was SICK. Sore throat, body hurting everywhere, and fever. As the days went on my friend who competed told me she was sick as well. She went to the doctor that Wed. and found out she had H1N1 YIKES! Well since the days have been going....the sicker I had gotten as well...fever after fever like 102 temp. My eyes watering like crazy...felt like someone was pushing my cheek bones forward and it hurt super bad that my teeth actually hurt. I went back to the doctor Friday and they had told me that my viral sickness had also turned into a server sinus infection UGH! So I was battling two things instead of one. Now I am on the highest strongest dose of antibiotics and I am starting to finally feel normal again!